Monday, January 16, 2012

Dear Friends,

The way successive generations of students of St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata have maintained their relationship with the alma mater, giving rise to one of the most vibrant and exemplary Alumni movements is indeed commendable. It is indeed a pleasure to be a part of this thriving, growing organisation as it spreads its wings to different parts of the world.

The Alumni is not merely about bringing Xaverians together for a cause. It is also about spreading the light, about bringing into sharper focus the value system that we espouse – men and women for others, living embodiments of the spirit of Nihil Ultra: nothing beyond.

Needless to say, “We Xaverians” – the alumni vanguard – is a key constituent of this noble effort of spreading the word. With the world getting increasingly connected and communication attaining the speed of thought, the print media, some feel is becoming increasingly obsolete. Yet the charm of the printed word continues to caste its spell and I am sure that the current issue will not only be an interesting and engrossing read, but will also be equally thought provoking.

These are indeed exciting times for all of us and the Alumni/ae Association has not only grown in size and commitment but has also initiated a series of programmes that are set to transform the face of the college in keeping with the needs of the day. As the mouthpiece of the movement, if We Xaverians is successful in becoming the platform for Xaveriens around the world to communicate and combine their talents and resources for the common good, it would have commendably performed its duties.

The Alumni timeline, which not only records the various past efforts by the alumni but also has lessons for the future is one such effort and I am sure that over time, more and more Xaverians will come forward with their contributions to make the magazine a collector’s item, to be read and preserved.

With warm regards and blessings

Rev. Father Dr. J. Felix Raj, S J

President, SXCCAA

Principal, St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata   

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